Who We Are


We are totally not your typical professional community.

We are Atlas, Underground! - a gathering of impact-driven, forward-thinking professionals from business, public and non-profit backgrounds. (AKA your professional secret society.) Together, we share a belief in breaking down the silos that separate these worlds to foster a unique synergy of innovation and purpose to save the world (or at least not just eating popcorn and watching it to collapse).

We share a passion for building impact-driven, meaningful digital innovation. Here, at the heart of our community, we're taking that passion to the next step and offering a space and platform where collaboration and creativity flows. Because we believe in the power of community. Indeed, we don't have much choice.

We change together or we die.

What We Stand For

The Atlas Underground Community aims to bring together professionals who share our passion for meaningful impact. Our goal is to create an ecosystem where business, public and non-profit sectors come together to drive innovation that makes a real impact in the world.

We have a reputation for our honest, no-bullsh*t approach. We're not afraid to challenge the status quo, ask uncomfortable questions, and deal with the metaphorical 'elephants in the room'. Our business card is a cynicism about shallow solutions and a determination to break through the fluff. We are aiming to build a community that not only talks about change, but acts on it.

What We Offer

Each month, we focus on a central theme that ties together our content and events. From blog posts to workshops, everything is connected to this theme. This thematic approach allows us to delve deeply into relevant and important topics, spark conversations, and foster collaborative efforts that drive positive change.

Joining Atlas Underground means gaining access to a host of exciting opportunities:

#Co-creations and #Meetups: Connect with like-minded professionals at our monthly community gatherings, where you can exchange ideas, insights, and experiences, regardless of where you're based.

#Workshops: Engage in thought-provoking workshops, led by industry experts, that will challenge your perspectives and inspire fresh approaches, give you new tools and broaden your professional knowledge.

#Volunteer Program: Contribute your professional skills to impactful projects and initiatives and create value where it’s really needed.

#Collaboration: Collaborate with other members from diverse fields to tackle challenges and embark on innovative projects that bridge the gap between business, public and nonprofit worlds.

#Networking: Build relationships with professionals who share your commitment to creating a positive impact, and unlock opportunities for personal and professional growth. We truly believe that one of our greatest assets is our personal and professional network. Consciously building and dealing with it is not impossible, but in return it is a necessity.

Join us

Join us on this journey at Atlas Underground Community. Let's build something where innovation meets purpose, and together, let's make a profound impact on the world.

Being a member of this community is and will be totally free!

Joining the community does not mean any obligation. You get involved in the life of the community as much as you can or want to. You can (re)join on the events and through our online community platform at any time.

We know the drill, busy life, busy schedules. We don't want to force you into anything you're not comfortable with. We are very happy if you can come to as many events and workshops as possible, but if there are times when you would rather observe and only consume our online content, that is also perfectly fine.


The topic of May 2024:

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Upcoming events **

Name Date Read more Type Status Language
Speculative Design for Business: The Future of Cities 24th of May 2024 The role of cities is changing.
They’re home to more humans than ever before, according to research from the United Nations: 70% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050. Technological and environmental shifts have transformed the ways we live, move, socialise and age within them. How these changes will play out over time is something we can’t predict -- there are too many influencing events and inputs beyond our control. Increasing social, economic and environmental crises in the Anthropocene prompt a need to re-integrate more-than-human natures and needs within cities.

The future of cities isn’t ours to predict. It’s ours to imagine and create, together. The purpose of this workshop is to give designers and professional tools to reframe reality, to question our current system and come up with different future alternatives that are both possible and preferable using speculative design. So come, join us! | #workshop | Registration is open | English | | Queer Hackathon | June 2024 | Coming soon… | #communityevent | Coming soon | English | | Sound Design | July 2024 | Coming soon.. | #workshop | Coming soon | English | | Designing for end-of-life | September 2024 | Let’s talk about a more systemic and challenging issue to tackle: the shift from a death-denying culture, to one that is death-discussing. Let’s talk about death and dying. Can we (re)design aspects of the end of life or afterlife experience? If yes, how? | #communityevent | Coming soon | Hungarian |

Past events

Name Date Type Read more
Learning Experience Design workshop November 2023 #workshop https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7127691643037581312
About more-than-human design: A cat-centric workshop February 2024 #workshop https://www.linkedin.com/posts/atlas-rise_we-have-officially-launched-our-atlas-underground-activity-7173365576063479808-hWxP?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
Your Cycle - By Design: Understand your body's natural rhythms March 2024 #workshop https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7183490560848969728
Hogyan tovább? - Az SDG-k és Te - (Hungarian event) April 2024 #communityevent https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7191101706246512640

About Atlas, Rise!


We build impact-centric, meaningful digital innovation from concept inception to market entry and beyond.

Our team consists of digital product designers, business designers, service designers, with some additional experience in traditional (and less traditional) business strategy and product management.

Atlas, Rise! experts work with high autonomy in their own fields (as they are mostly very experienced individuals), with independent professional views, partnering up with each other on specific projects. A bit like a law office, except we can’t really give you legal advice.

We have a tendency to be a bit cynical about bullshit. We ask uncomfortable questions, discuss elephants in rooms.


Atlas, Rise! website:


Atlas, Rise! linkedin:


The Burden Newsletter:
